Aikar's Command Framework

Aikar's command framework can be found here Follow the instructions on installation

Usage with FernAPI

FernAPI has some specific classes to allow more cross-platform support than vanilla ACF.

To register the command, you must use this:

Universal.getCommandHandler().registerCommand(new Command());

The context resolver can be found here

Here are some classes and flags: - IFPlayer<?> - other - When specified, it makes the context resolver use the name of the player rather than the sender by default - defaultself - Used in conjunction with other to specify that when an argument is not defined, it is by default the sender - uuid - Used in conjunction with other to specify that the argument is UUID and not player name. - offline - Used in conjunction with other to specify that the player provided can be offline. - IFPlayer<?>[] - allowmissing - If provided, it allows the player to provide players that are not found online. They are not added to the list - allowempty - Allows the list to be empty - splitter - The splitter used to separate players in the list - OfflineFPlayer - uuid - Used in conjunction with other to specify that the argument is UUID and not player name. - IFConsole<?> - FernCommandIssuer
